Our Charges

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Our Charges


In all cases we aim to charge a fixed fee for each stage of your litigation.  We will advise you of all of the stages and fee for each stage before you instruct us.  The way we calculate our fixed fee is to estimate the time it will take to do the work and calculate that by our hourly rates which are as follows

A8 Years or more PQE450
BBetween 4 and 8 years PQE350
CBetween 0 and 4 PQE250
DNon legally qualified fee earner150

We always calculate a fair price and never charge more when quoting a fixed fee.  You get the same service without the fear the clock is constantly ticking and you know in advance how much you are going to need to budget to see your case through.

Where the value and merits of case warranat it we will consider cases on a ‘no win no fee’ basis or on a damged based agreement.  We can also help you to get funding for your case.  We would only work on a contingent basis where the value of the clim is high, normlly over £1m and the evidence is string.  If you think you may have a case that fits in the above criteria then please email us on kay@mortimercourt.com with a brief summary of what your case is about or you can submit your details to us on the link below and we will contact you. https://mortimercourtchambers.zaliet.co.uk/provide-information/

Contingency cases are not always the most cost effective way forward and can cost a great deal more than our fixed fee instructions.  We will explain all of this to you before you instruct us.

We are happy to give a quotation for any work on a no obligation basis.

Direct Access Barrister London